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Learn, Share, Grow

We have curated over 120 + videos into playlists to provide you instant access to best-practice wisdom. 

We want your feedback and input.  Tell us videos or playlists you'd like us to include. 

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Healing Trauma

How to slowly help heal the effects of trauma through overall re-framing and everyday actions.

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How trauma effects our kids and ourselves- in mind, body, and soul.

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Life as a Foster Child

Helping all of us to empathize and understand what it might be like growing up as a child in foster care.

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Former Foster Youth: 

Their Stories

How former foster youth survived and how they now thrive.

Foster Parents - Self-Care

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How and why foster parents need to focus on self-care so to strategically provide the most healing and to prevent burn-out.

Foster Parents - Their Stories

How foster parents learned to help a child in go from surviving to thriving - and how to navigate this new world. You aren't alone.

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Parenting Skills:

Foster, Birth, and Adoption

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Skills to help all kinds of parents navigate the joys and challenges of raising kids.

Psychology Lessons

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Understanding stress, vulnerability, attachment and other basic principles of psychology. 

Music: Real/Hard Feelings

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Songs that might unveil the feelings of a child from a hard place.

Music: Giving Hope

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Songs that might give hope to healing the stories of kids from hard place.

Church: Local and National Initiatives

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Best-practice wisdom for church communities to learn how to thread together & care for kids.

Movie Trailers

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Movies that give insight into caring for kids from hard places.


What else should we add?

Your input helps our team, foster families, and ultimately - the kids. 


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